Bludná Vein Zone (Irrgang) in Krušné hory Mts. (Erzgebirge Mts.),
Czech Republic

Aleš Bufka – Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic
Dalibor Velebil – National Museum, Prague, Czech Republic
Bull. mineral.-petrolog. Odd. Nár. Muz. (Praha) 9 (2001), 51–57


The Bludná vein zone associated with the same named fault zone in direction NW – SE passes (by its main part) easterly of the Blatna Hill in the Krusne hory Mts. The total length of the zone is 32 km, of which 18 km is on the Czech territory and remaining 14 km is in Germany. The Bludná vein zone mainly passes through Ordovician phyllites and Upper Proterozoic/Cambrian mica shists, which forms a mantle of so called Krusne hory pluton. The fault zone is locally filled with quartz and hematite. Hematite is developed in the form of massive radial aggregates with a sphaeroidal surface. In minor extent, the zone is mineralized by a manganese ores (psilomelane, pyrolusite, manganite); other mineral are accessory (baryte, dolomite, siderite, fluorite). In the area of Bludná settlement (ENE of Horni Blatna), hematite was mined as an iron ore during the 16th to 19th centuries.

Keywords: crystalline complex, fault vein, granite, hematite, mining history, Horní Blatná