Cassiterite and/or Gold Placers by the Sázavka Village (formerly Smrdov), ENE from Ledeč nad Sázavou, Czech Republic

Dalibor Velebil – National Museum, Prague, Czech Republic
Kamil Dryák – National Museum, Prague, Czech Republic
Bull. mineral.-petrolog. Odd. Nár. Muz. (Praha) 11 (2003), 199–201


There is 500 m long belt of placers in Sázavka village near Ledeč nad Sázavou (Czech Republic). These placers after gold and cassiterite minig was not described and documented in the literature until now. The age of placers is unknown. The belt of placers is an interesting technical and cultural relic. Occurence of gold and cassiterite is important in aspect of geochemistry of Moldanubian Zone.

Keywords: cassiterite, gold, rutile, placers, Moldanubian Zone, Moldanubian Pluton